Standards of our grid

e-distribución works with other companies or contractors to build the installations that make up our electricity distribution grid.

Therefore, all new electrical installations must be built using the same design and material quality standards.

Detail of a high voltage electrical distribution tower

To achieve this, e-distribución has a Grid Standardisation Unit, which is responsible for drafting and publishing the documents used to establish these standards.

Do you want to know more about our standards?

The following types of documents will help you to get to know them.

Related to design and construction criteria of installations:

All the installations in our distribution network must comply with regulations that, in addition to establishing technical conditions that guarantee their correct operation, reliability, and efficiency, provide the guarantees that they must meet in order to preserve the safety of both people and property.

e-distribución has recently completed a process of unification of these regulations, which have now been approved and published by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism, and their application is mandatory in all its distribution areas:

Particular Specifications for Private High, Medium, and Low Voltage Installations

Particular Specification and Model Projects for High Voltage Installations (>36 kV)

Type Projects and Particular Specifications for MV and LV distribution installations.

The documents referenced in these specifications (in addition to the material standards below) are as follows:

Related to Materials:

Lists of Approved Materials

These documents list the materials that have passed an approval process and meet our required specifications. To help the search in these lists, the code of the standard with which it has been approved is included within each material code, and for each make and model of manufacturer, which can be used to locate them easily. In the Particular Specifications, Guides and Type Projects, this code of the standard is referenced to enable the corresponding approved material to be found.

Reference Material Standards

All materials incorporated into our networks must meet minimum design requirements and test procedures.

Other information

Sector and autonomies

Legislation and regulations

Find about the regulations in the regions in which e-distribución operates.