Legal notice
I. General information
General information in compliance with Article 10 of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act (Law 34/2002 of 11 July).
Registered name of the information society service provider: EDISTRIBUCIÓN Redes Digitales, S.L. Unipersonal
Registered office: C/ Ribera del Loira 60. 28042 Madrid
Registered with the Madrid Mercantile Registry, Volume 36900, Sheet 107, Page M 272592, Entry No. 33.
Tax identification number: B82846817
Email address:
Registry of Electrical Energy Distributors of the Ministry of Industry: R1 299
Electricity Sector Act, Law 54/97 of 27 November
Royal Decree 1.955/2000 of 1 December regulating electrical energy transportation, distribution, retail and supply and procedures for authorising electrical energy facilities
Royal Decree 222/2008 of 15 February establishing the remuneration system for the distribution of electrical energy
II. General conditions of access and use of our website
By using this website, including the various services which EDISTRIBUCIÓN Redes Digitales, S.L. Unipersonal (hereinafter, e-distribución) offers by subscription (hereinafter, Subscription Services) in the Private Area, you are considered a User and hereby accept, fully and without reservation, all of the general conditions published by e-distribución in the Legal Notice when you access the website, without prejudice to the acceptance of any individual conditions that may apply to you. Any unauthorised use of this website is expressly prohibited. e-distribución reserves the right to deny or withdraw authorisation to access and use the website and subscription services at any time without prior notification from any users who fail to comply with these general conditions or any individual conditions that may be applicable.
e-distribución reserves the right to modify these conditions, unilaterally and at any time, without prior notification. In these cases, it will disclose and notify the modification as early as possible. The company also reserves the right to modify the presentation and configuration of the website, at its own discretion and at any time, without prior notification.
Access to and use of the website
General access to and use of this website is provided free of charge and does not require registration. However, you may only access the subscription services offered through the website by registering in the Private Area. In this case, you will be charged the rate for the service provided. You will receive information about this rate before you register, and it will be revised on an annual basis.
You undertake to use this registration diligently and to refrain from disclosing your username and password to third parties unless you have expressly authorised this. You also undertake to notify e-distribución as soon as possible of the loss or theft of these data and any risk of third-party access. You are responsible for granting this authorisation or delegation, as well as for how your representative uses the information, and e-distribución, therefore, waives all responsibility in this respect.
Payment gateway
This website has a Payment Gateway by credit or debit card with which you can carry out the; payment for certain services. Security in Transactions. In the payment gateway at the time of payment, a redirect is made to the gateway or virtual POS of the Bank, which will be responsible for requesting the card number and the security; data associated with it. Therefore, under no circumstances are users' card numbers or the security data associated with them stored by e-distribution. The payment gateway included in the e-distribution website works with the maximum; security guarantees, ensuring the confidentiality of communications and; incorporating the necessary mechanisms to ensure the authenticity of the origin and destination in avoiding repudiation of transactions and ensuring the; integrity of transaction data. Users of the online payment gateway, in any case, must be of legal age.
Return Policy
The user is entitled to a refund of the service fee under the following terms and conditions:
1. Cancellations must be requested in writing, by sending an e-mail that includes the code of the paid invoice, amount, name and surname of the payer, date of payment and contact details (cancellations informed by any other means are not accepted).
2. The e-mail addresses where to request the refund depending on the service paid are the following:
- Payments made associated with Connections (supplies, movement of facilities and producers):
- Payments associated with ATR tolls:
3. The amount to be refunded shall correspond to the subscriber, less any costs incurred.
Restrictions of use
By accessing our website, you are expressly authorised to view and save private copies of all the information contained therein on your computer systems, provided that this information is for your own use and is not subsequently given to third parties. Accordingly:
- You are not authorised to reproduce or copy, distribute, modify, transfer or publicly disclose the information contained in the website without authorisation from the holder of the applicable rights or unless allowed by law.
- You are not authorised to use the information contained in the website for a direct sale or any other commercial purpose, to send unsolicited messages to multiple persons, irrespective of the purpose, or to commercialise such information in any way.
- You are not authorised to delete, elude or manipulate the copyright or other identifying data as to the rights held by e-distribución or other titleholders, or the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints or any other protection mechanisms.
- You are not authorised to ungroup, decompile or reverse engineer the databases on which the website information is stored.
- You are not authorised to send spam when using, or as a result of, using the website or the information and services for sale or any other commercial purpose to multiple persons without their prior request and consent, or any other unsolicited or unauthorised messages to multiple persons or unsolicited and unauthorised email chain letters, nor use any distribution lists you may access on the website.
- Any infringement of the restrictions contained in the foregoing paragraph will be considered a breach of the intellectual property rights of e-distribución and will give rise to the liabilities established to this effect, which may be prosecuted via any applicable administrative, civil or criminal proceedings.
Ownership of the content
e-distribución owns the intellectual and industrial property rights to all information on this website, including images, graphic designs and HTML, ASP.Net, JAVA script, Active X and other types of code. This company also has the exclusive right to exploit the aforementioned intellectual property rights in any way, particularly the rights of reproduction, distribution, public disclosure and processing. e-distribución neither grants nor transfers, partially or fully, the rights or authorisation to any user in respect of its intellectual and industrial property, or any other rights regarding the website. In addition, e-distribución guarantees that the content, including the intellectual property, is not illegal and does not infringe on prevailing legislation. Accordingly, the website content is not xenophobic, pornographic or racist and does not promote violence in any way. Moreover, e-distribución will take the legal measures considered appropriate to prevent any illegal or immoral conduct.
e-distribución may offer the content, functions and services of this website through an app, in which case you will need the relevant technical means to access them.
Exclusion of warranties and liability
Regarding the exclusion of warranties and liability, e-distribución accepts no responsibility for:
1. Any loss or damage that may be caused by products or services provided or offered by third parties or entities through the website, should any services be provided in this way, particularly from:
- violation of the law, morals and proper conduct, as well as public order, or the negligent or incorrect use of the products and/or services offered or their use for purposes that are illegal or infringe these general conditions or any other applicable conditions;
- violation of industrial and intellectual property rights, and violation of professional secrecy;
- violation of rights of honour, personal and family privacy and image of individuals, and rights concerning the protection of children and young people;
- acts of unfair competition;
- illegal advertising or criminal or pornographic acts;
- unlawfulness or inaccuracy, untruthfulness, unreliability, inappropriateness or incompleteness of content and information transmitted or made available to users, including information and services provided through the website by third parties or by users;
- in compliance, defective performance or termination on any grounds of web service contracts signed with third parties;
the incompetence of any user or the identity theft of a third party by a user.
2. e-distribución only accepts responsibility for the services and content it provides directly and which is identified with its copyright as being a trademark of intellectual or industrial property of e-distribución.
3. e-distribución accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind that may be caused by unauthorised third-party knowledge of the type, conditions, features and circumstances of the use made by users of the website and the services offered.
4. e-distribución accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind caused by errors in the use of or access to its website, services or content, although it undertakes to prevent this, update the website and correct any errors in its content. This means that the company is not responsible for the non-availability and operating continuity of the website and the related services, or for failures in access to the various web pages or those from which the services are provided.
5. e-distribución accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by information contained on its website which may be sent through hypertext or links. Links on this website are provided solely for informational purposes. e-distribución accepts no responsibility for any result you obtain by accessing these links.
Accordingly, e-distribución accepts no responsibility for:
- the availability, accessibility, working order or continuity of linked sites;
- the quality, lawfulness, reliability, usefulness, accuracy, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the content of linked sites;
- the maintenance, provision or transmission of content existing on linked sites.
6. e-distribución accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any virus that may exist in your computer system, electronic documents or files. Neither does it accept responsibility for any alterations in your computer system, electronic documents or files caused by viruses in third-party services provided on the website.
7. e-distribución accepts no responsibility to you for any negligence, loss of business opportunity, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of data, indirect, secondary or special loss or damage caused by access to or use of the website services, or services within its scope.
8. e-distribución accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from any unauthorised knowledge by third parties of the type, conditions, features and circumstances of access and use that you make of the website and the information and services provided, or any breach of your obligations regarding personal data.
9. e-distribución accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from any improper or incorrect use you make of the data provided on this website, and neither does it accept responsibility for the data you provide.
Regarding the limitation of liabilities, e-distribución disclaims all warranties as to the website services, be they express, implied or mandatory, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose or compulsory warranties of protection against infringement.
Use of cookies
e-distribución uses first- and third-party cookies on this website to improve your user experience and offer you better services. By browsing our website, you accept the use of cookies under the conditions defined in the Cookies Policy.
Click here for the full text of the Cookies Policy.
Term and Termination
In principle, access to and use of the website and subscription services is for an indefinite period. However, e-distribución reserves the right to terminate or suspend this access to and use of the website and subscription services at any time. Where reasonably possible, e-distribución will provide prior notification of the termination or suspension of access to and/or use of the website.
Indemnity by the user
You expressly undertake to indemnify e-distribución and all the other companies in the Group, employees, administrators, agents, information or services providers, or licensors, for any loss or damage (including lawyers’ fees and expenses) for breach of these general conditions or applicable individual conditions, and to cooperate with e-distribución in the defence of its interests in the event of any claim submitted or legal or administrative proceeding initiated or invoked for this reason. You also undertake to endeavour to prevent or, as appropriate, mitigate the potential losses or damages this could have for e-distribución.
Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
All of these conditions are governed by Spanish law. e-distribución and the user expressly waive any jurisdiction applicable to them and agree to submit to the courts the location of the user in respect of any disputes regarding the services covered by these general conditions. If the user’s domicile is outside Spanish territory, e-distribución and the user expressly waives any jurisdiction applicable to them and agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Madrid (Spain) courts.
European Commission's Online Dispute Platform
Following the provisions of European law, you are hereby informed of the existence of the European Commission's online litigation review platform, accessible at the following link:
© Copyright 2024. EDISTRIBUCIÓN Redes Digitales, S.L. Unipersonal. Full or partial reproduction is prohibited. All rights reserved.