Installation of generation points

Distributed generation


    Electricity generation that is not carried out in conventional power plants (nuclear, coal, fuel oil, gas, large hydro) is commonly known as distributed generation, which produces electricity from renewable energy sources, cogeneration, and waste.

    This type of electricity generation offers a series of advantages over ordinary regime production (nuclear, coal, fuel oil, gas, large hydro), as it is carried out in a dispersed manner throughout the territory as opposed to the conventional model of large generation centers, allowing production and consumption to be brought closer together. These plants are normally connected to our distribution networks, which makes it necessary to study the technical conditions for their connection, ensuring that the quality and safety conditions of the distribution network are maintained.

Acceso directo a tus servicios de generación eléctrica

    Acces capacity nodes

    Knows the available access capacities for generation in the e-distribución network's voltage nodes higher than 1 kV.


    Network codes

    They regulate aspects of connection, operation and the electricity market. They are regulations published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Spanish Royal Decree 413/2014 sets forth the classification for this type of generator as well as the administrative terms and conditions for their processing and utilization.

Royal Decrees 1183/20, 1955/00, and 1699/11 set the technical and financial terms for connecting these installations to the distribution grid.

Image How is a Type 2 installation?


What process should I follow if I'm interested in a distributed generation connection?

The first thing to do is to carry out an access and connection process through the titular network distributor to which the installation is located. Only in this way will we be able to establish the conditions necessary to ensure security and quality of supply.

Depending on the power and tension of the generation facilities we want to connect, we will have to follow one procedure or another:

<= 15 kW
> 15 kW

These are, broadly speaking, the steps to be taken for the first energization of the plant:

imagen de la pasos instalación de generación


1. Request for access and generation connection.

2. Studio phase: Distributor request analysis

3. A prior proposal, acceptance of the technical and economic conditions for it, and the execution of jobs.

4. Request signing of access technical contract. TAC application in the private area, please find attached a guide.

5. Administrative Authorization Processing with the Competent Administration required to obtain the start-up authorization.

6. Installed service according to RD 647/20

The given command is not sequential because there are formalities that can be handled in parallel


How to request a generation connection?

Additionally, and following the provisions of art. 5 of RD 1183/2020, if the applicant is a natural person, if they prefer, they can also submit the form and associated documentation to the authorized Commercial Offices and Service Points, during their regular business hours, leaving a record of the submission and the date on which it took place.

For any questions or clarifications regarding the processing, you can consult our guides on the processing of generation requests on this same website, or by sending us an email to

Guide to processing electricity generation

With this guide, you will have answers to all your questions about generation in general and also about distributed generation.

Remember that in addition to the required technical documentation you must provide:

· The receipt from the Competent Body confirming that the financial guarantee is correctly constituted according to art. 23 RD 1183/20, where applicable.

· The data form for acceptability (former T243) from REE, for applications of more than 5 MW in the peninsula or 0.5 MW in the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands.

Data form for REE acceptability

Former T243 form to manage access and connection requests (acceptability) for generation facilities, using renewable sources and waste and reversible hydraulic facilities, this guide is available on the telematic platform of the REE Service Portal OS.

In the case of other distribution companies that request acceptability in the e-distribución network for generation facilities, it is necessary to provide us with the Distribution Network acceptability form.

In case you have even more doubts