Capacity access at network nodes

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For generation facilities at our network nodes.

Access capacity nodes

In compliance with RD 1183/2020 of December 29, on access and connection to the transmission and distribution networks of electrical energy in its article 5 and the CNMC Circular 1/2021, of January 20, by which establishes the methodology and conditions of access and connection to the transportation and distribution networks of electrical energy production facilities. In its article 12, the access capacities are published at each of the voltage levels > 1 kV of the substations. AT/AT and AT/MT operated by e-distribution Redes Digitales SLU.
These capacities are reported and calculated as defined in the Detailed Specifications for determining the generation access capacity to the Transportation network and Distribution Networks approved in resolution of May 20, 2021 of the CNMC.

All information relating to occupied, available and unresolved admitted access capacity is included.

The available access capacity for each node has been determined as the maximum additional active power that can be injected at that node, taking into account only the "occupied" capacity reported at all network nodes and the planned installation scenario without considering additional reinforcements, in accordance with the criteria of CNMC Circular 1/2021 and the Detailed Specifications for the determination of access capacity. This information, of an indicative nature, does not obviate the need to carry out a specific study for each individual request that takes into account any variation in the scenario, such as the consideration of the requests in the pipeline with the best order of priority, both in the node under study and in other nodes of the network that may have an influence on it.

The limitations that may exist in other distributors' grids, in the transmission grid or in the substation itself, due to aspects of its configuration or operation and those relating to the viability of connection, are not taken into consideration. Said limitations would be evidenced in the corresponding acceptability and access and connection feasibility reports that must be carried out for each individual request.

The reported Available Access Capacity values should not be interpreted as simultaneous or summable capacity values. The connection of a generator at a node not only decreases the available access capacity at that node but also at the nodes of its neighboring network.

The reported values of occupied and admitted and unsettled capacity refer exclusively to generators connected or with access and connection permits granted or requested exclusively at these nodes, but not on lines or nodes of the underlying distribution network of these nodes.

Because the publications are usually made on a monthly basis, it is possible that they reflect available capacity in a node that may already be exhausted by “Admitted and Unresolved” requests, both in the node itself and in others in the network with influence on it or in their underlying networks.

Except in exceptional and duly justified cases, requests for access and connection that do not comply with the range of maximum and minimum power per voltage level established in the Detailed Specifications will be refused. 

Requests made on nodes where the published capacity is 0 MW will be rejected, according to art 8.1 section d) of RD1183/2020.

As stated in DA2ª of CNMC Circular 1/2021, requests for installed capacity greater than 5 MW in mainland Spain and 500 kW in non-mainland systems may require an acceptability report to assess the influence on the transmission grid of the connection to the distribution grid.

Capacity map

In this map, you will find indicated, with a geographical approximation, the nodes of the e-distribution network with the access capacity available for generation in each of them.

The capabilities map should be considered a merely informative replica of the capabilities published in the PDF capabilities list. In case of discrepancies, the official values ​​are those that appear in the PDF.

The network capabilities map is currently unavailable. We are working to restore the service as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.