The process of connecting a supply

    To deliver electrical energy to a new supply, it is necessary to enable a connection point to the distribution network and carry out the installation up to the customer's electrical supply. This necessary connection work between the client and network is technically known as a “connection”.

    When you need to have a new electrical energy supply or expand the power of an existing one, you must process a request that will entail the execution of a new electrical connection or the adaptation of the network facilities to be able to serve it.


    Types of connection requests

    When a new supply requires a connection to the distribution network, you can make connection requests to:

    - New supply, in case you need an electrical connection for a new property, or it is an existing property (which already has a connection) but your supply was not initially planned (for example partition of a local).

    - Power Extension / Voltage Change, in case you already have a connection and need to expand the power or change the voltage of your supply. You must also select this option if your supply has a contract but is terminated.

    - Temporary: select this option if you need an electrical connection for a short-term supply (fairs, itinerant supplies, etc.).

    - Provisional supplied by builders: if you need a provisional electrical connection to perform a work.

    - Supplementary supply: if you already have an electrical connection and need a second one for security of supply (relief supply).

    On the other hand, if your request is linked to the development of urbanization plans in an initial phase, where you only have general load forecasts, you can request the Electrification Studies type, in which the general distribution infrastructures necessary can be identified to provide the sector.

    If you are a 'downstream' electricity distributor, you can make an 'Acceptability Study' type request. These types of requests also apply when a generator is connected to the distributor's network and must request that the influence on the e-distribución network be assessed, as provided in circular 1/2021 CNMC.

    The opening of requests of the Electrification or Acceptability Study type must be carried out by sending us an email to

Phases for processing a connection

Phases for processing a connection

Guide for managing new supplies and modifications of existing ones

We provide you with this guide on processing connection requests to resolve your doubts and easily manage your requests.

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