Modification of an installation
- Changing the location of your general protection box or your metering equipment if they affect the electrical supply.
- The diversion or burying of electricity lines and changes in the location of transformer substations.
When you need a modification of an electrical installation connected to the distribution network, such as:
To do so, you will have to process a request for the deviation of installations, which will involve the execution and adaptation of the distribution network installations requested.
The distribution installations you are requesting to modify can be identified by their address and location on a map or by their CUPS number if you are modifying an existing general protection box.
In any case, remember to include in your application a full description of the scope of the deviation of the installations to be carried out.
What are the phases for processing my request for modification of installations?

Web service for requesting medication of installations
Use this service at your disposal to request a modification of installations