Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan

We are fostering the grid digitalization with the call known as "Digitalización de las redes eléctricas"

Más información sobre estos proyectos de PRTR
  • Protecting birdlifeProtection

    Protection of birdlife

    We protect birdlife thanks to a project co-financed by the European Union.

  • In distribution networks Digitization

    Digitisation of the grid

    We develop digitalization projects to improve the quality of the network and optimize synergies.

Investments for the digitalization of the grid:

Investments are being made to modernize and digitize the Spanish electricity grid to achieve decarbonization targets.

Key projects include grid sensorization, development of new digital grid twins, digitization of substations and low-voltage grids, improved telecontrol and remote management, and improved customer service quality.

Benefits of digitalization:

  • Increased efficiency and optimization of the grid.
  • Better integration of renewable energies.
  • Increased demand response capacity.
  • Reduction of technical losses.
  • Improved supply quality.
  • Greater transparency and information for customers.

Role in the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan:

  • The digitization of the electricity grid is a key axis for the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC).
  • The Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR) includes investments to support grid digitization.
  • Digitization will contribute to decarbonizing the electricity system, boosting sustainable mobility, and improving the competitiveness of the Spanish economy.

In general, the digitization of the electricity grid in Spain is an essential process to modernize the energy sector and make it more sustainable, efficient, and competitive.


On the other hand, the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR) for the protection of birdlife on power lines involves:

Aim: To increase the protection of birds in the surroundings of power lines by adapting the power lines.


  • Next Generation EU Funds (Component 4 - Conservation and restoration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and their biodiversity).
  • Initiative C4.I2: Conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity. Actions to prevent mortality.
  • Total budget: 60 M€ to be distributed among all the Autonomous Communities during the period 2021-2026.


  • Preventive measures: Design of new line layouts taking into account bird flight corridors.
  • Corrective measures: Adaptation of the existing electricity network to eliminate risks of collision and electrocution.
  • Calls for subsidies: Each autonomous community manages the funds and calls for proposals for electricity distributors.


  • Commitment to the protection of birdlife in its power lines network.
  • Extensive experience in the implementation of actions for the protection of birds.
  • Applications submitted for the execution of projects in several autonomous communities.


  • Reduction of bird mortality due to electrocution and collision with power lines.
  • Biodiversity conservation and environmental protection.
  • Compliance with environmental regulations.