
Plan for recovery, transformation and resilience (PRTR): correction of power lines for the protection of birdlife.

With support from Component 4 - Conservation and restoration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and their biodiversity, we are increasing the protection of birds in the power lines proximity.

Commitment to the environment is one of the guidelines of e-distribution's business strategy. In this sense, in the development of its business activity, the company carries out different actions for the protection of biodiversity, natural capital and ecosystem services.

e-distribución has an extensive path in the execution of actions aimed at protecting birdlife in its power lines. Concern for preserving the environment and the biodiversity of species has focused especially on the protection of birds from shocks and electrocutions.

These birdlife protection actions carried out in the e-distribution networks include both preventive and corrective measures. On the one hand, new line layouts are designed considering the flight paths of birds, minimizing the risk of collisions on the wires, and eliminating the risk of electrocution on the electrical towers where these wires are attached. Concerning the existing network, each year an analysis is carried out of the lines on which adaptations are a priority, considering the preferential actions established by each autonomous community.

In addition to these actions, within the framework of the PRTR, financed by the European Union, Next Generation EU, a new channel has been established to promote the adaptation of the power lines and thus minimize the risk of electrocution of birdlife in Spain.

Within Component 4 - Conservation and restoration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and their biodiversity, and through Initiative C4.I2 - Conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity. Actions to prevent mortality: correction of power lines that are particularly harmful to birdlife, funds of €60 million have been allocated to be distributed among all the autonomous communities for the period 2021-2026.

Here you can consult the criteria and the territorial distribution of the allocated credits.

Each autonomous community is responsible for distributing the funds that correspond to it, through calls for subsidies that the different electricity distributors in the territory can access.

In 2022 and 2023, e-distribución submitted applications for the implementation of birdlife protection projects in several communities where calls for applications have already been published. Specifically, in Aragon, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Castilla y León, Catalonia, and Extremadura.

During 2023 and 2024, several resolutions of ongoing calls have been published, in which e-distribución has been awarded with the following funds:

Government of Aragon logo

In Aragon, through the regulatory bases established in Orden AGM/1880/2021 and the call published in Orden AGM/920/2022, a subsidy of 4,158,756.19 € has been obtained to carry out actions on 19 power lines. The actions are to be carried out in the period 2023-2024.

logo of the Government of the Canary Islands

In the Canary Islands, through Order 385 for the award of a direct subsidy, an amount of 501,544 € has been allocated. The actions are to be carried out in the period 2023-2025.

Generalitat de Catalunya logologo next generation para Cataluña

In Catalonia, through the regulatory bases established in Orden ACC/23/2023 and the call published in Resolución ACC/881/2023, a subsidy of 2,474,620.14 euros has been obtained to carry out actions on 816 power line supports. The actions must be carried out in the period 2023-2025.

Junta de Extremadura logo

In Extremadura, through the regulatory bases established in Decreto 35/2022, de 6 de abril, projects containing interventions on 12 power lines have been approved and have been allocated a subsidy of 979,621.22 €, which represents 75% of the cost of their execution. The actions are to be carried out in the period 2023-2024, within 6 months of their award.

logo del Govern de les illes Balears'    

In the Balearic Islands, through the regulatory bases established and the call published in Orden 14/2023, a subsidy of 812,515.99 € has been obtained to carry out actions on 9 power lines. The actions are to be carried out in the period 2024-2025.