How to increase or reduce the contracted power

Is the fuse box tripped often when you connect various electrical appliances at the same time?

Is the PCS being tripped too often?

Hands protected by standard gloves close the cover of the digital meter.

Your contracted power might not be enough and you might need to increase it.

Next steps to follow:


Before you request an increase in the contracted power from your electric utility, please contact us so we can check whether your supply point can withstand the additional capacity or not. As a distribution company, we will check this and modify the installation of your connection if needed.

The installation certificate (Electrical Installation Certificate (ECI)) of your installation must be taken into account for new supply points or modification of the capacity, since the contracted power must be less than or equal to the maximum power capacity authorised in the installation certificate. This document certifies the characteristics of your installation and that it is in perfect working order, and provides information about the recommended electrical power and maximum power capacity to install.

If the certificate shows that the new contracted power exceeds the maximum capacity or that your home was built more than 20 years ago, an authorised installer must inspect your installation again and issue a new certificate.

You can contract the new capacity from your electric utility with the new installation certificate.

Consult here your doubts when it comes to increasing the contracted power