Access by telecommunications operators
Deployment of high-speed electronic communications networks over e-distribución infrastructures

In order to comply with Royal Decree 330/2016, of 9 September, on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks, we inform you that all the information is available to telecommunications operators on this website, to which you can address any of the requests set out in the Royal Decree:
- Cartographic information on electricity infrastructures
- On-site studies
- Access request. Validation of preliminary project or technical report.
- Technical study
- Deployment
- Minimum information relating to planned civil works.
For these applications to be processed by e-distribución, they must generally include:
- Accreditation that it is a valid Operator by registration in the CNMC's Register of Telecommunications Network Operators.
- Declaration of confidentiality about any information received as a result of access to the infrastructure.
- Proof of the applicant's powers of signature.
In addition, depending on the type of application, the following information must also be provided:
1. Mapping information
- Area in which the operator is interested with geographical coordinates (start and endpoints and intermediate points)
- Proof of transfer of payment for the application.
Alternatively, the operator can request information from the following addresses: (for Catalonia) (for the rest of Spain).
2. On-site studies
- Area in which the operator is interested with geographical coordinates.
- Proof of transfer of the payment of the application.
3. Access request. Validation of preliminary project or technical report
- Technical report describing the implementation of the communication network in the e-distribución infrastructure, containing, in addition, the following information:
- Location and description of the infrastructure to which access is requested.
- Reason for access to the infrastructure.
- Description of elements to be deployed on the infrastructure.
- The timeframe in which the deployment on the infrastructure is to take place.
- Area in which it is intended to deploy elements of the high-speed electronic communications networks.
- Signed General Conditions of Access, which can be previously consulted here.
4. Technical Study
- Acceptance and proof of transfer of payment for the study.
5. Deployment
- Signing of implementation agreement and proof of guarantees or payments as appropriate.
On completion of works, the signature of a contract for operation and maintenance of telecommunications installations within the e-distribución safety perimeter.
6. Coordination of planned works
- Reason for coordination with infrastructure.
- Description of elements to be deployed on the infrastructure.
- The expected timeframe for deployment on the infrastructure.
- Area in which it is intended to deploy elements of the high-speed electronic communications networks with coordination of works.
To complete this information, we provide you with the following documents that may be of interest to you:
For any doubt or clarification you can send us an e-mail to