Network codes

They regulate aspects of connection, operation and electricity market.

They are regulations published in the "Official Journal of the European Union."

Close-up of solar panels illuminated by night light

Regulation EC/714/2019 defines them with the aim of going a step further in the harmonization and integration of the European electricity market.

Network codes are classified into three main families:

Connection: They harmonize the requirements for connecting generation, demand and HVDC facilities to the grid.

  1. Network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (Regulation UE/2016/631)
  2. Network Code on Demand Connection (Regulation UE/2016/1388)
  3. Network code on requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules (Regulation UE/2016/1447)

Operation: They harmonize the rules for safeguarding operational security.

  1. Guideline on the transmission system operation (Regulation UE/2017/1485)
  2. Network code on electricity emergency and restoration (Regulation UE/2017/2196)

Mercado: They move forward in the integration of electricity markets.

  1. Guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (Regulation UE/2015/1222)
  2. Guideline on forward capacity allocation (Regulation UE/2016/1719)
  3. Guideline on electricity balancing (Regulation UE/2017/2195)

All the above rules leave some issues to be defined at national level through proposals made by the transmission system operator and/or the distribution system operators.

In Spain, the national implementation process is being developed by different working groups with the participation of all stakeholders:  the transmission system operator, the distribution system operators, the Ministry, CNMC, generators, consumers… 


The definition of the opened requirements for Spain began with the creation of specific working groups on 2016.

The following rules define the national implementation for the previous connection network codes:

  1. New Royal Decree 647/2020, of 7 July, which regulates aspects necessary for the implementation of the grid codes for the connection of certain electrical installations.
  2. New Order TED/749/2020, of 16 July, establishing the technical requirements for connection to the network necessary for the implementation of the connection network codes.

On November 2020, both transmission and distribution system operators publish the Spanish compliance rules (Normas Técnicas de Supervisión de la Conformidad- NTS) to request a final operational notification (FON) for power-generating modules connected to the distribution grid level, according to Anexo IV.c in Real Decreto 647/2020: 

  1. Technical Standard of Conformity Supervision for generators
  2. Technical Standard of Conformity Supervision for SENP generators

Any question regarding the previous documents may be sent to

You can see the process to put into service Power Generating-Modules (PGM) connected to mainland Spain and non-mainland Spain.